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Filtering by Category: Business

The Beginning

Bailey Kalesti

I’ve been working as an artist for many years. And through the years, my love for the craft has only grown stronger. These days I’m working on stories and motion graphics for trailers, short films, and more. I’m a visual guy with a love for music, so film is my favorite medium by a long shot.

This past summer I started Forma Pictures--a company I could call my own. I work as a freelancer, and I’m also slowly developing what will be Forma Picture’s first, original short film.

I was talking with a good friend and he suggested I post updates as I go. Sounded like a good idea to me, so here I am! It’s going to be a long project, but my hope is to shed light on the process with weekly updates.

Right now I’m developing the story. Here’s a peek at some of the first storyboard thumbnails:

Updates will come every Friday. I want to talk about the film and my weekly experiences as a filmmaker and entrepreneur. Each update will be short, and I’ll post pictures of work in progress stuff along the way.

I’ll tell you more about the story next week. The tone is somewhat dark...and sad!
