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Life Rolls On

Bailey Kalesti

December was a quiet month for the blog and other updates, but it's been a hectic month for me. On this new year's day, I was hard at work on a new commercial. It was fitting to ring in the new year by spending it doing what I love most...working.

I'll probably be too exhausted next week to post much, but there will be another batch of content coming to the site soon after. And there's a lot in store for this year. But with so much uncertainty about the business, it can be easy to feel nauseous all the time. Thankfully I'm ready to roll with whatever happens. I can only work so hard before I have to leave my future to lady luck.

C'mon baby! Gimme a 20!


New Territory

Bailey Kalesti

With every project I work on, I always try to do something that I've never done before. Eighty percent of the video will build on what I've done before, but that last pinch is generally something that I have no idea how to pull off. It keeps the work exciting and it keeps me growing. However, figuring out how to make something new work isn't easy. At the moment I'm trying out an art style that I'm not used to doing. Functionally this means that I'm out of my element.

Before I switched my focus to graphic design, I was a 3D modeler. And for the past few years I've tried many times to create an art style that utilized 3D environments in a more direct way. Well, this time I got my wish. But it also means that there are a vast array of unknowns during the design phase. How do I keep the color palette consistent? How do I keep text readable on top of moving 3d geometry? How do I keep the stylization consistent across an array of different environments? How do I light??

A cartoony piano. Fun for all.

A cartoony piano. Fun for all.

Still, I'm having a good time. I'm grateful, as always, that I get to make art pretty much all day every day. What a life.


In Sickness And In Health

Bailey Kalesti

A bit quiet over here. Mostly because I've been under the weather. I suppose I was due for a good illness. Still, I've managed to work on some things, like the video project that's in development. Nevertheless, I've fallen behind on a few other side projects. And I've been lousy with email lately. Don't take your health for granted. Good health really is the best thing there is.

On the mend now. I hope!



Calm Before the Storm

Bailey Kalesti

This week has been primarily devoted to family time (holiday), which is always good. Rest is essential, as any good 20 mile marcher knows. ;) Still, I did a few things this past week.

I attended CTN again this year, which was nice. I got to see a few artists I knew, which is always good. And on the development front, the commercial I'm working on is moving along steadily. It's due early next year. I'll be talking about it more in the coming months.

I've also begun some design work for a new website I'm developing. In my world of art, I've found that there is a curious lack of resources on one particular subject. So, I'm in the beginning stages of filling this need! Exciting stuff.


Turning Point

Bailey Kalesti

Cinematics will always hold a special place in my heart. They captured my imagination when I was younger, and I continue to love them to this day. However, there was one particular cinematic that inspired me more than any other...

One afternoon back in 2009, while I was deep in the internet on some tangent going from one article to the next, I came across a random video link. I had no idea what it was, but I clicked on it anyway. It began with the developer's logo emblazoning on the screen. It was familiar, but I didn't really know who they were. Then screen went dark. Lights flickered on and machinery began to come to life. It seemed spooky, so I shielded my eyes for a second in case it was a trailer for some horror movie. But slowly I came to understand that it was sci-fi, and the brooding music foretold that that something interesting was going to happen. Then, when the music thundered into the second phase, it had my full attention. I was positively glued to the screen. It was wonderful! I couldn't believe what I was watching. Who made this again? Finally, when it was all over, the title of the game faded into view. StarCraft II. I proceeded to watch the trailer over and over and over again. I was smitten.

Many of you may know exactly what this feels like. It was a clear and undeniable turning point in my career. I've experienced this only a handful of times in my life. The cinematic itself wasn't the best thing that's ever been made, but it was deeply appealing to me. I wanted to know everything about it. And, ultimately, my trajectory as an artist was influenced by this trailer. I'm dead serious about that.

Here's the video I was talking about. I'm sure most of you know it well, but go ahead and watch it. Such nostalgia! (this cinematic was made by Blizzard Entertainment)

Again, I had nothing to do with this video. But I post it here to emphasize my anecdote. To me, this is one of the best cinematic teasers out there. It's got atmosphere, killer music, great art, and piques one's curiosity (as any teaser worth its salt should).


The Client and Artist Relationship

Bailey Kalesti

People say that when you're a freelancer, all that matters is keeping your client happy. And while I make every effort to establish and maintain a healthy and productive working relationship with my clients, ultimately the product is what's important. The effectiveness and quality of the art is more important than simply doing what my client wants me to do.

The effectiveness and quality of the art is more important than simply doing what my client wants me to do.

First and foremost, my job is to make a good product. Those sixty to ninety seconds of story, art and music are all that matter. But the journey to that moment is a long and arduous process of toil, joy, frustration, anxiety, learning, epiphanies, excitement, fear, and exhaustion.

Understanding that the art is what matters gives me the confidence to perform to the best of my ability. Sometimes it's tempting to agree with a client and give them exactly what they ask for. After all, we want to please. But it takes guts to push back when it's called for, and to educate when needed. On the surface it may seem right to immediately give them what they want, but often times it's a disservice to them. Why? Because artists can deliver so much more.

Ultimately what a client really wants is for the artist to tell them what they want. As artists, it's our job to interpret what they tell us into actionable endeavors and then to expand on that. And when a client takes issue with something, they're usually not sure how to fix it. Often times they don't know how to describe the thing that's rubbing them the wrong way. It's not their fault, but they will use language and terminology that doesn't translate well to the art tasks. Or it may be misinterpreted. It's a language barrier of the professional variety. They speak the language of their profession, and we speak ours. An experienced artist knows how to bridge the gap, and determine what they actually want to convey.

They learn to trust how I work, and I learn how to interpret their desires.

I work to develop strong communication channels with my clients. The more I work with specific people, the better we're able to work together. They learn to trust how I work, and I learn how to interpret their desires. This requires that I occasionally educate them on how things work. It can be tricky, but I strive to gently show them how the artistic process works to build trust and ease their fears.

On the whole, this profession of mine has caused me more than a few heartaches. Art is an emotional, vulnerable and risky endeavor. It's one hell of a journey, I'll tell ya.


Artists Have Value

Bailey Kalesti

It should come as no surprise that I care about the treatment and well-being of artists. Today I want to address a pervasive issue. Based on behavior alone, it would seem that there are a number non-artists (for lack of a better word) that devalue the artistic professions. These include any kind of creative professional, like a musician, filmmaker, designer, performer, and more. And this negative behavior leads to poor treatment, unreasonable expectations, and underpaying.

Artists working at companies might not feel the effects of this devaluing or are at least shielded from it a little bit. However, I would guess that most of my peers are extremely aware of this bizarre stigma that has adhered itself to artists everywhere.

The art profession is a lifelong pursuit that takes decades to get good at. It requires significant study, practice and time just like anything worth paying good money for. The best artists dedicate their lives to the craft, working in excess of 80 hour weeks, researching and relentlessly practicing in their downtime. Good art is very difficult to create. It's painstaking and demands patience. It’s a profession in every sense.

So, why are artists devalued? My best guess is that people are simply uneducated about how it works. Creative endeavors appear easier, and it doesn't help when some unmotivated, so-called artists perpetuate the stereotypes. But the truth is that is that there is a large group of top-notch, hard working artists out there who don't get the pay and proper treatment that they deserve. These words are coming from me, and I am an artist, so I understand if you feel I am biased. However, I can only speak from my experience, and I am eminently familiar with the art industry that I am part of.

This issue will take time to correct. I believe it starts with artists standing by their own self-worth as artists, and not caving to poor working conditions (if they can help it). If a client is asking an artist to do three days of work in one day, they need to say no. It will require artists to gently and kindly educate those around them about why art demands good pay, proper treatment and reasonable expectations.

I recently came across a humorous essay that pokes fun at the idea of doing speculative work. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, it's basically doing some work for free for a client before they decide whether to hire and pay you. The point is that it's ridiculous that some people feel this is an okay thing to do.



Bailey Kalesti

Before I started working for myself, I was trapped in a world where I had almost no control over what I got to work on. The projects were decided two or three levels above me. And while I had some creative freedom in the actual work, I hated how little influence I had on the bigger picture. Not to mention the fact that the high-level decisions were made by the arrogant, but I won't get into that.

People on the outside of freelance almost always say this exact sentence to me "You have freedom now, right?" This idea is flawed. The truth is that I'm still beholden to my bank account. Money has to go in it. So, that means I have to take jobs on a regular basis. However, I do have a lot more freedom. I get to define the rules of my engagement with clients, in the form of legally binding contracts...that I write.

After the basics of pay and project scope, there are a couple rules that I don't budge on:

  1. Anything I create can be used for self-promotion in my portfolio.  I'm firm on this one. If they can't agree to this, we don't work together.
  2. Payment doesn't go below a certain amount (based on what I need to pay all of my monthly and yearly bills). I also demand a decent pay in general, so as to educate clients that artists require good pay. The work is hard after all.
  3. Additional requests for additional work beyond the project scope will require compensation at the normal pay rate. This ensures I don't get caught doing oodles more work for no extra pay.

Still, I've been lucky. Most of the gigs I've had so far have been with pretty great people. I'm fortunate in the quality of my friends and clients. And I have no regrets. Quitting my well-paying job over a year ago was the best decision I ever made. In my whole life. Period.

Some recent layout work for some style frames!

Some recent layout work for some style frames!



Bailey Kalesti

Over the course of my career, and in my personal life, I've discovered that I'm useless without a plan. My will power is decent, but it doesn't solve everything. I need goals or else I don't achieve well.

Trouble arises whenever I complete something. Last week, for instance, I completed a 3-month, long-distance running goal. Over the 12 weeks, I knew exactly what to do each day. The decisions were made for me ahead of time and were in service of a larger plan. But as soon as it was finished, I began to flounder again. I had no fitness purpose.

My career has endured many ups and downs like this. I know what I'm working towards, and then I feel a bit lost, and then it repeats. Luckily this time I had a plan figured out, but I still felt a little down after my last project. Project ends are always high energy for me, so I guess it's natural to have a decompression afterwards? I honestly don't know.

So, I'm thinking that I may need concrete goals ad infinitum. This means I need to figure out exactly what needs to happen every day, forever. I suppose my walls are doomed to be covered in an unending stream of calendars. I wonder how ambitious people manage to achieve consistently. It's a tough business, I'll tell ya.


Creating MatterControl

Bailey Kalesti

My most recent commercial endeavor now has a home in the behind the scenes section here at Forma Pictures:

This was a really fun project to work on. As I've said again and again on this website, be sure to check out MatterHackers. Such excellent people. Alright, that's enough talk about MatterControl. Next week I promise to talk about the other projects. ;)

Hmm, well, I think I teased this before, but I've started work on an exciting new project. I'm currently in the middle of the arduous (and fun) task of fleshing out the story. It's due to launch early next year, and it really has the potential to be something unique. Now all I have to do is work until I can't work anymore, because it's shaping up to be one of the most ambitious projects I've worked on to date.

Exciting stuff! :)



Bailey Kalesti

Good news! New video to show:

This is the second video I've had the pleasure of making for MatterHackers. The first video was all about the vision of 3D printing and this video is about their product MatterControl, which is the open source platform for 3D printing.

On the whole, I love working with these guys. They're smart, dedicated, and a total joy to work with. I said this after the last video, and I'll say it again: I hope I get to work with them again! Check them out!

In the meantime, Forma Pictures has got a number of projects in the cooker. Hunted will continue its slow development, as will a couple other small things which are yet to be revealed. And, of course, client work continues too. The next for-client video is scheduled to release in January.


Stay Tuned, Lovelies

Bailey Kalesti

Today's update will be brief. I just wrapped up another big project a few hours ago, so I don't have much to say. Actually, I have lots to say and lots to show, but it'll have to wait!

Not to worry, I'm going to be sharing a lot of content soon. There will even be an in-depth behind the scenes article on my most recent endeavor. So, stay tuned!


Twenty Percent

Bailey Kalesti

The last twenty percent of every project is always the most fun for me. It's when everything starts coming together. Because for the longest time (the 80%), the art is never very interesting. There are so many missing pieces, proxy portions, and tests littered throughout the video. In fact, for most of the project I'm just hoping that I'm making something good. It's hard to see the end result when everything is in progress. It requires lots of imagination.

But once the polish phase begins, that's when I get really energized. I assume there are lots of other artist out there who feel the same. And as the puzzle forms, the vision finally comes into focus. It's very rewarding, in general.

I'm currently entering the last week of such a project, and as I feel the joy of this 20% time, I have to be extra careful not to work myself too hard. Like I've said before in the 20-Mile Marching article, it's easy to get caught up in the work and not get enough sleep each night. I'll admit that it remains a struggle to resist the urge to work in favor of rest.
